J'aime la vie / I love life
Le dernier amour / last love affair
I like the Life
Dim: 100 x 73 cms
Price: 60 000 FF - 9 200 € - 8 400 USD
Last love affair
Dim: 146 x 114 cms
Price: 88 000 FF - 13 400 € - 12 600 USD
Les années de gloire/Years of Glory
La gloire de tes yeux/The glory of your eyes
The years of glory
Dim: 130 x 97 cms
Price: 60 000 FF - 9 200 € - 8 400 USD
The glory of your eyes
Dim: 146 x 114 cms
Price: 88 000 FF - 13 400 € - 12 600 USD
Ne pleure plus, elle t'aime maintenant
La tour de Babel
Do not cry any more, she loves you now
Dim: 146 x 114 cms
Price: 88 000 FF - 13 400 € - 12 600 USD
Babel's tower
Dim: 140 x 140 cms
Price: 112 000 FF - 17 000 € - 16 000 USD

Sylvain Legrand

Oil on cloth(canvas)

Born in Mirande in 1953 of relatives(parents) professors all the family settles down on Côte d'Azur in 1955. In 14 it(he) discovers Van Gogh. A vocation is born and in 1972 it(he) enters the School of the Restoration of Laurent de Montcassin's painting to Châteaurenard. "To work" with the great masters give rhythm his(her) studies. There
On 1976 the pause is reached(affected) by the exhibition of 45 Van Gogh's copies Saint-Rémy of Provence.

From 1977 the artist asserts himself by symbolic canvases: " the Goose
Crucified " The mystic bread ", outdone(subsidized) in International Grand Prix of the Coast
Of Azure ( 1980 ). " The crucified Goose " is dedicated in 1981 by the Price of the Friends of the Autumn lounge(show) of Paris and René Huygue includes him(it) beside Magritte in his book " The Signs of Time and the Modern Art ".

The artist, already 5 times outdone(subsidized), create his school with 40 pupils ( 1982 ). Regrettably, the fire destroys (quite 1983) and " The crucified Goose " burn! Deep shock in spite of its " Babel's tour(tower) " which obtains Grand Prix of Contemporary Art of Monte Carlo ( 1984 ).

A representational style tinged with realism is suddenly imperative itself through
Canvases mélant sensualism, mysticism and harmony of colours. Find and
Offer the peace naturally. And, as to call us better, the painter
Punctuate his creations of a sybillin message which opens doors in our
Reflection: " the seconds liked each other ", " The time does so well things "...

Corianne Gallery - © 2000-2005 - An Épidote conception Épidote Agency - Poitiers FRANCE